The Blog
Helping You Go From Sh*t Show to Sunday CEO 😉
Burnout Symptoms, 5 Stages, and Recovery: A Guide for Entrepreneurs
Burnout sneaks up on you, but the signs are there if you know what to look for. In this post, we’re breaking down the five stages of burnout and how to catch them early.
Recognize the symptoms, and use our recovery strategies to rebuild both your business and your well-being. Let’s get you on the path to burnout-proof success!
Why EAPs Fail to Prevent Employee Burnout: Proven Solutions for a Burnout-Proof Workplace
I've got my sassy pants on in this article for all my corporate executives and leaders out there all about why your EAP isn't actually helping your company and your burned out employees. We'll take a look at some of the stats and introduce you to some better alternatives!
5 Mindset Shifts to Prevent Burnout as an Overloaded Female Solopreneur
Here, you’ll find show notes for episode #138of Burnout-Proof—a podcast with no BS burnout tips for high-achievers. In today’s episode, we're dipping our toes into the 3rd pillar of my Sustainable Success framework: sustainable mindset. And in doing so, we're talking about 5 POWERFUL mindset shifts that can help you beat burnout as an entrepreneur!
What Is Sustainable Success? A Deep Dive into My 3-Pillar Framework
What is Sustainable Success? For the first time, I'm breaking down my Sustainable Success framework and all the ways that creating sustainable success helps us high-achieving entrepreneurs beat burnout!
Navigating High-Achiever Perfectionism, Belonging, Parental Pressure & Career Pivots ft. Dr. Jillian Rigert
Here, you’ll find show notes for episode #134 of Burnout-Proof—a podcast with no BS burnout tips for high-achievers. In today’s episode, I’m talking to Dr. Jillian Rigert, DMD, MD, Life & Leadership Coach. We run the gamut of topics from permission to make a career pivot, navigating parent pressures, avoiding the "easy" path, navigating guilt, shame, and tons more! Enjoy!
Hey there, I’m Ellyn!
Call me Coach Ellyn—a burnout coach, Ph.D. dropout, Enneagram 3, and your new Burnout bestie!
I’m so excited your here! This blog is a great way to dip your toes in and start your burnout journey and learn from the stories, lesson, experiences and research of me and my clients. Can’t wait for you to dive in!
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This one's on me.
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coming right up.
Featured Freebies:
Your Ticket to Burnout-Proof Success
Automation 101 Masterclass
Ready to stop juggling 17 apps and automate your business like a pro? This crash course will teach you how to streamline your systems and get back your time without sacrificing control.
Take the “Burnout Type” Quiz
Take the first step toward burnout-proofing your life. This free quiz will help you uncover your burnout type, understand what’s fueling it, and get type-specific strategies to move forward.