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The Burnout-Proof Resource Library

This membership includes access to all my advanced anti-hustle curriculum and courses, as well as my quarterly bonus content and group coaching workshops.

Notion 101: The Foundations

Build your Notion foundations and learn what you need to know to understand and start using Notion to build the systems you’re dying to have!


Values-Based Living

Values conflicts are one of the core reasons why we burn out. So, how do we start to combat that? By knowing to our very core what our values are. I’ve been using this course for almost 10 years in my business—enjoy!


Building Boundaries

Are you struggling with setting boundaries in your life with others? With yourself maybe? Let me give you the 411 on everything boundary setting—from identifying boundaries, to setting them, to communicating them and MUCH more!


Burnout-Proof Lifestyle

What do you need to build a burnout-proof life? You may have heard me say before, sustainable success is about 3 piallrs—systems, self-care, and mindset. In this course, I break down exactly what you need to do!


For 1-on-1 Coaching Clients

Schedule your 1-on-1 sessions & check-ins in the scheduler to the right.,

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Select the type of session you want to schedule. This will be determined by the coaching package you signed up for!

Book your session at time most convenient for you!

If you can’t find a time, contact me here.

Or use your client portal!